Saturday, May 2, 2015

Language School

Language school is keeps on "trucking" on.  Seems like we have been studying for a long time but when we count the days it really hasn't been all that long.  It has really only been a little more than three months since we started, and we are seeing a difference in our ability to grasp conversations concepts and make ourselves understood...for the most part :)

"Sediket-sediket, pelan-pelan manjadi bukit"
little by little, slowly slowly a hill is made.

 That is how our teachers keep encouraging us in our small and steady progress in grasping the Indonesian language.  One instance was when I (Tyler) was just returning home our neighbor came out to greet us and ask where I had been.  I replied with out much hesitation and explained why I was out and that I had to go out again to pick up my other son from school soon.  It kind of surprised me how easy it all came out after months of hulted words and wrong syllobus.  Now that does not mean I am fluent now.  It just means I have some good days and other bad days when all I say is:
 " Saya mau pergi de mana saya lalu selasi"
"I want to go where after I went finsih"

Then I am back to just smiling and laughing at myself.  Which is not bad, keeps me humble and the locals entertained.

Here are some pictures of IMLAC our language school:

Some students performing at an Easter celebration we had at the school.

Instead of an egg hunt we hunted for scraps of paper that had words on it and had to put them all together to complete a Bible verse.

Teams usually consisted of families

Mountains in the background and hallways light with the morning light.

Students fill the hall for morning break-time.

A good friend of Renae's.  Hot tea is a usual break-time snack here in Indonesia, even though it is around 80 degrees.

Ibu Wulan, one of our many language teachers

Our Unit 2 class all together

Ibu Maria, helping us to comprehend that mysteries of grammer.

Renae and I passing our Unit 2 exams and holding up our Unit 3 book.

We are nearing the half way point of our Unit 3 section of language school.  It seems to be going alright although there is a ton of grammar concepts right now being taught at us but we don't really get to review it in the class before we are on to the next concept.  Part of the reason for that is some students only take three units so the school is trying to get all the building blocks out there but will review them later in other units.  You can continue to lift us up in prayer as we try to master these "building" blocks coming out way.

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