Sunday, January 31, 2016

Renae's Graduation of Language School

 School photo of graduates (well, expect for Tyler. He gets to study some more) 

Just this past week we celebrated with our language teachers, Renae's graduation from IMLAC (the name of our language school).  Usually when a student graduates they host a meal for the teachers over lunch and celebrate together their accomplishment.  We found out that the teachers really like KFC (yep same KFC as in America except they have rice instead of potatoes) so we decided to order that for lunch.

I (Tyler) was tasked with getting the food and completing preparations, so I hopped on my very "manly" scooter and meandered about till I found the place.  Usually KFC is packed but it was a few hours before lunch time so there were only a few people about the place.  I asked if I could order food for tomorrow and was directed to sit down.  At first I was confused why I couldn't just order from the register and then just leave, but I am coming to understand they do things a little differently here.  One of the delivery guys walked up to me and we started talking about what food I wanted and the quantity.  After discussing numbers, prices and when and where, I was finally able to communicate that I needed the food to be delivered to the school at 11:30 the NEXT day.  I say "NEXT" day because somehow he thought this order was for today instead of the following day.  Maybe I was speaking Indonesian with such a heavy Spanish accent that I was unbearable to listen to.  Ok, maybe not, but it is good to confirm things at least 3 or 4 times before you walk away from a store.  So, all in all I would say that I was able to communicate what needed to be said and the food arrived on time at the school.

The pelatih's (language teachers or coaches) enjoyed the meal and we had a good time of fellowshipping over crispy chicken, rice and soda.

Gathered around the table in the school's kitchen.

 Our banquet spread of KFC chicken and rice!

 All smiles about the food

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