Saturday, March 8, 2014

The Big MOVE

Well, here we are.  In Nampa, Idaho.  Over a year after joining with Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF), we are at the final 10-week stretch of training here at headquarters.  This means that not only are we at about 99% of our goal for monthly support (hooray and 1,000 AMENS!), but we are just months away from departing for INDONESIA.  It has been quite a journey for us, and will continue to be, and we are so thankful for each one of you who are praying with us on the journey and making it possible through your support so that we can GO. 

Though not our first big move, this move from Spokane, WA, our home for almost 7 YEARS, was the most difficult . We've enjoyed really establishing our marriage here, starting our family, and building numerous deep relationships.  Part of my heart is still there and will be for awhile.  It does not seem possible that we won't be going back to stay, and yet we had some wonderful closure with friends and family there, and are SUPER excited to be in this final phase of training here at MAF. 

Here are some pictures of the moving process, which in the end went much more smoothly than we had anticipated, thanks to much appreciated help with meals, some cleaning and childcare during the weeks beforehand!

 We rented a 16 ft truck and filled it almost to capacity!

Uncle Jon workin' his muscles

 Church volunteers and friends helped us empty the garage and load the van

 Saying goodbye to my piano was one of the hardest goodbyes for me!

 Lots of sweet memories with my piano, but it is going to a pretty awesome home!

Breakfast on moving day, picnicking on the cooler before we take off for Nampa.

 Auntie Heidi saying goodbye and helping us load up

One of the dearest and most faithful friends we could ever ask for!

 Final family picture in our little home.  We will miss you, Spokane!

 The kids excited about leaving.  And yes, they did get buckled in.

 Jocelyn apparently thinks she is ready to drive.

 We have arrived, Buelo and Lita!  (Tyler's parents home)

 Unloading all of our possessions in Tyler's parents garage.

We are so thankful for the men from their church that were there to help unload when we arrived.

 Well, there it is.  Now to find what we need for the next 10 weeks...and sort all the rest later.

The boys were just happy to have their bikes and see the sun
 (we've been missing the sun for some time in Spokane)

Much more news soon to come!! 
Rejoicing in Christ,
Tyler and Renae

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