Friday, August 17, 2012

Lets go fly a....

This past weekend I had the opportunity to fly the Cessna 206 after almost three years of not flying that particulate aircraft. This is in preparation for having to fly this type of aircraft at Mission Aviation Fellowship technical evaluation. So if I am going to do some training might as well having some people to do it with right? And I I am going to fly might as well go some where special, and if I am going somewhere might as well pickup up something to make it like a real mission flight right? So with this criteria the final product looked turned into a family trip to go and see my parents in Nampa ID for part of the day and pick up my younger brother to come stay with us.

 So this little excursion turned out to be a really busy and fun day. We were able to surprise "Lita" (my mom) with a visit but was also able to get comfortable again in the 206 again. Having my boys experience an airplane ride (which they can't stop talking about now) and picked up my brother so we could spend some time with him as well.  These are a few cool perks of being a pilot.

 Kyle taking control of the aircraft

 Aaron fashioning how to wear headphones

 After a long day it is time to take a nap

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