Fall just happens to be my (Renae's) favorite season. I love September in Spokane, and especially love picking peaches and apples and enjoying pumpkin donuts at the local fruit orchards. Life has been busy since we returned from our 6-week long trip this summer. Though I enjoyed the time with my family, I am so happy to be home again. As fall starts, so do programs that I am going to try being involved in this year. I will soon be attending my church's women's Bible study, and also Tot's and Co. Both will be a nice outlet for Caleb and I.
Tyler and I were so encouraged by several people who have committed to supporting us during our vacation/deputation/work(for Tyler) time. We were especially blessed to share at my home church in Rugby, and experience the love and support of those that I have known for a long time. I am sometimes still overwhelmed and discouraged by the amount of support we need to raise, and the lack of traveling time we have to visit churches or people. But we have seen God provide so much already and know that it is not anything "we" can do, but what He can do. Tyler has to remind me often that God will raise the support we need, not us.
Though Tyler is back to at STC, he is spending much of his time at Moody Aviation once again, working to get his CFII, which certifies him to instruct instrument flying. Pray that he would continue strong with his studies and work hard for his flights and the lessons he has to teach, as studying can get very tiresome!
Caleb continues to outgrow the baby phase! He has taken several steps on his own, though does not try it very often. He babbles all the time, but not recognizable words yet. And last week he decided to see what it is like to play in the toilet. "Why haven't you let me do this before, Mom, this is fun!" He could probably spend the entire day outside and be a happy boy, except for meal times of course. We love watching him change and grow all the time!
Thanks so much for all your prayers, hope this gives you a snippet of our life recently.